1. NightsBridge Online Calendar (BridgeIT)

How to charge an extra to the main account

When a guest requires additional services such as airport transfers or meals, these can be added as extras on the invoice.
This is useful if you do not have a separate, dedicated Point-of-Sale (POS) system.

A stock item needs to be created on NightsBridge before it will be available as an extra that can be added to an account.
For guidance on how to create a stock item, click here.

Open the booking

Open the Booking Details of the booking.

  • Click on the 'View Extras' button.

View Extras

Any additional charges (extras) already on the guest account will be displayed here.

Click 'Add Extra'.

Decide whether to charge the Extra to the 'Main Account' or the 'Guest Account'.

Note that if the Main Account is already closed, it will be greyed-out.
Guest Account will automatically be selected.

  1. Click on the 'Stock' drop-down to expand the menu.
  2. Select the extra from the available options.

The item price applied is the price set when the stock item was created. Override the price if needed when adding the extra or update the price on NightsBridge.

If the required extra does not appear, it will need to be added as a stock item on NightsBridge.

Click here to see how to get it set up.

Click 'Save'

  • The extra has been charged.
    You can now close the dialogue box to return to the Booking Details.

Repeat the steps for each extra that needs to be charged to the guest account.

View the account

The added extra will now be added to the account.
The change will also be noticed within the 'Totals' section of the 'Account' panel.

If your POS (Point Of Sale) is integrated with NightsBridge, stock items that not added in Rates & Rules (Setup), but loaded on the POS system, will automatically be added to the stock list on NightsBridge.

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