You can change the daily rate for an existing direct booking without changing the rates within Rates & Rules (Setup).
This is useful if you have offered a once-off discounted rate to a guest and you need to manually change the daily rate.
Bookings received from channels
Do not change the rates on bookings received from booking channels. The rates are (generally) directly linked to the commission amount. Any rate changes should come from the booking channel itself - this way the commission would have been adjusted accordingly by the channel as they are aware of the change.
Open the Booking Details
Select the booking on your calendar to open the Booking Details.
- Click on 'View Rates'.
The Rates will display.
Update the rates
You will notice that the 'Fill to the right' box is active by default.
This will apply the same rate to the remaining nights of the booking.
If you want to input different rates per night, untick this selection.
Click on the first rate field.
- Type in the rate to over-write the original rate shown.
The system will apply the same rate to the remaining nights. - Click 'Save'
- Close the Rate Sheet to return to the Booking Details.
To charge a different rate for each night booked
Should you want to apply a different rate for each night:
- untick the 'Fill to the right' box
You are now able to apply different rates to each night. - Change the rates as needed by amending the rate in each field.
- Click 'Save'.
- Close the Rate Sheet to return to the Booking Details.
Notice that the booking total has updated.
Click 'Save' on the Booking Details.
- Click 'Save' at the bottom of the Booking Details window
- You can now close the Booking Details.