BridgeIT Tutorials

How to swop rooms between two bookings with common stay dates

You can use the room 'Swop Rooms' button to swop the rooms of two bookings, provided they have at least one overlapping (common) date.

It is important to ensure that the room swop will not impact other bookings.

Always make sure that your calendar has the availability to accommodate the room swop.

If either booking being room-swopped was received via a booking channel, make sure the booking was modified into the correct room type before making any changes on NightsBridge.

Open your calendar

Check that no other bookings will be affected.

In the example imaged below, should there have been an arrival booking for Room 6 on 07 August (the yellow block), the room swop would not be possible.
The booking for Belinda Wilcox would have clashed with this arrival booking.

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Click on the 'Swap Rooms' button.

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Choose a date common for both bookings.

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Select the rooms to swop.

  1. Select the room that you would like to swop from the drop-down 'Swop'.
  2. Click on the room that you would like to swap the room with from the drop-down 'With'.
  3. Click on 'Swop'.

Check that the rooms have changed

Notice that the bookings have switched rooms on the calendar.

BridgeIT — Mozilla Firefox
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