This Lesson will teach you how to create a special package (discounted rates for a long period) Rate in the NightsBridge Setup.
Open Your Nightsbridge setup
Click Here should you need help locating your setup program.
Click on Specials & packages

Click On "Add Package"

Give Your Special Package a name and Description
Name your package.
The Name you enter here will be the name that appears on the internet as your "advertisement" for your package. make it descriptive and attractive
Describe your package
Enter a description for your package. the description you enter here will be displayed on the internet.
It should explain what you package entails and what's required to book it.Make it simple but enticing.
Enter the dates for which your Special is vaild
Valid from date.
This is the date your package is available from-click on the drop arrow to select date on calendar.
Valid Until date.
This is the date your package ends-click on the drop don arrow to select date on calendar.
Your special can be booked for arrival on valid until date -if the stay extends beyond the valid until date only the valid days will be discounted.
When a guest searches for availability on the date that falls on or between these dates, your special will appear.
If a guest searches on dates that fall outside these dates, your special will not appear

Create a Package code and choose whether to display on own site Only?
Create a package code -type in a code in the field provided.
create a code that easily identifies your special
Do not use the same code twice.
This will be helpful when applying your special rate to a client in your NightsBridge calendar.
Own site only? Choose Yes /No from the drop-down arrow.
YES means your special will appear on your own website Only -i.e only on your NightsBridge Booking form
NO means your special will appear on own website (NightsBridge Booking form) and most Local partner sites (e.g SA Places, SleepingOUT, Rooms For Africa etc. ).
We cannot display your specials on the Extranet sites (, Expedia, Agoda, Airbnb, etc.)

Choose to add a photo
Adding an image to your Specials & Packages will give guests a better picture of the type of special you are offering on your booking form.
If you do not know how to add a photo, please click here.

Choose the special rate package type.
Choose the Long Stay
Tick the long stay option. This creates the Minimum stay requirement.
Minimum Stay (number of nights)
A long stay discount implies there is a minimum number of nights the guest must stay to be eligible for this discount.
Enter this number here (the minimum number of nights the guest must stay to be eligible for your long stay discount).
NB: The discount rate will apply to all nights of their stay - not just the minimum nights.
E.g. If the min stay is 5 nights and the guest books 10 nights. The guest will receive the discounted rate for all 10 nights.
Only bookings where the minimum number of nights end on or before the valid until date, will be eligible for the discounted rate.
E.g. if the minimum stay is 5 Nights, bookings that start less then 5 nights before the valid until date won't be valid.
Select Arrival Days (if applicable)
This section only applies if you would like your special to only kick in for arrivals on certain days.
Untick the days that your special is not valid for on arrival.
Leave the days ticked, that your special is valid for arrival on.
Select Room Types.
Select Rate Sheet(s) and set the rates
- Select the rate sheet you would like to have discounted special to apply to .
- Set the rates the room types in chosen rate clicking the Set Rate button to the far- right of the room type name.
Enter Discounted Rates for this room type.
- Enter your discounted rates for this room type by clicking and typing in the Fields.
- click save
NB: Enter the discounted Per Night rates.
* Rates are NOT automatically discounted. You must enter the discounted rate.
Rates are either per person sharing or unit priced according to the room type (as selected in your NightsBridge Setup step 2 Setup Rooms /Room Types )
*Single & Per person rates cannot be left on 0
Repeat this for each selected room type.