1. NightsBridge Online Calendar (BridgeIT)

How to upload property Images using the Image Uploader

The Image Uploader allows you to manage your room type, property and additional photos from a central location.

Linked directly to the NightsBridge App, it gives you the ability to add photos directly from your smartphone and mobile devices.
If NightsBridge is assisting with creating or updating your property listings on Airbnb, Booking.com and select other channels, once connected, your photos can be sent to these channels via the connection.

Open the Image Uploader

  • Go to the blue side menu in NightsBridge.
  • Click on the Camera icon to open the Image Uploader.

Select Property Photos

Clicking on a photo category button will automatically scroll your screen to the selected category.

The 'Property Photos' section is where you can add pictures of the property. These can be photographs of the building, entrance, indoor and/or exterior. These are generally communal or shared spaces that all guests have access to.  

Make sure that you have photos for the required categories in the Image Uploader

  • Property/building
  • Facade/Entrance
  • Indoor x4
  • Exterior x2
  • Views or Landmarks x2

Click on 'Add Image' tile

You will be taken to the upload screen.

Select the photo you want to upload

  • Click on 'Upload a Photo'.
  • Browse to find the photo that you want to add.
  • Click 'Open'.
Image Uploader - Mozilla Firefox

Make sure that the below requirements are met when uploading your photos:

  • Photo sizes must be 1024 x 768
  • Minimum of 4 Room Type photos
  • Minimum of 10 Property photos

Select the subcategory

Depending on what picture you are uploading, select the category that matches the description of the photo.

Image Uploader - Mozilla Firefox

Some categories (Indoor, Outdoor, Views) have subcategories to choose from to better explain the photo. The Property/Building and Facade/Entrance categories will automatically be added as the only subcategory available.

Confirm the image has been added.

Once the image is added and saved, you will be able to continue with the next. All pictures added on the Image Uploader will reflect on your NightsBridge booking form.

Once you've uploaded your photos, you can:

  • Rearrange the photos if you want to change the order (drag and drop).
  • Delete a photo if you've made a mistake (trash can icon).
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