Once you've set up your room types and seasons, you enter your rates in your NightsBridge Setup.
A unit rate is when you charge the same rate for a unit or room regardless of the number of guests staying in the room. This article covers how to set up unit rates.
A per person sharing rate is when the rate increases depending on the number of guests staying in the room. Please look at our article on how to set up per person sharing rates if you need more information on this.
Open your NightsBridge Setup
See our tutorial on how to access your NightsBridge setup.
Click on Step 3 Setup Rates

- Your Seasons must be set up before you can enter your rates.
- Please refer to our articles on How to set up Seasons if you need more information.
Click on the room type name
In this example, we are capturing the rates for the Deluxe Apartment.

Choose unit pricing
- Click on the drop down to choose How do you charge for this room?
- Select One price for the unit.

Do you offer different rates on Weekdays and Weekend days?
Choose No for Do you have different rates at weekends?

Click on the relevant meal plan
In this example, we are selecting the Self-catering meal plan.

Enter your unit rate per season
- Put in your unit rates per season.
- Click to Save.

- Choose Yes for Do you have different rates at weekends?
- Indicate which days the weekend rates apply to by ticking the boxes next to Weekend Days. In this example, the weekend rates apply on Fridays and Saturdays.

Click on the relevant meal plan
In this example, we are selecting the self-catering meal plan.

Enter your rates per season for the meal plan
- Enter your Unit Rate per weekday for the first season.
- Enter your Unit Rate per weekend day for the first season.
- Enter your Unit Rates for subsequent seasons.
- Click to Save your rates.

Do you have any other meal plans?
- Click on the next meal plan. In this example, we are choosing the Bed & Breakfast meal plan.
- Repeat the steps to add and save the rates per season.

Test your rates
- Go to your Booking Engine to test the accuracy of the rates you've set up.
- Please look at our article on how to test your rates if you need more information on how to do that.
Add your photos
- Your Room Type will only be bookable online once you've added your photos.
- Please look at our articles on how to add room type images using the Image Uploader. if you need more information on how to do that.