You are able to override your rates for a given period of time in two ways. You can adjust the rates using a percentage (Rate Discount) or a fixed rate (Old Rate Discount).
Rate discounts are only for online bookings. They do not apply to manual calendar bookings.
- Go to your NightsBridge Setup. Please look at our articles on how to access Setup if you need information on that.
- Choose Rate Discount from the Advanced Options.

How do you want to adjust your rates?
You can increase or decrease your rates.
Create your rate discount
Rate discounts are only for online bookings. They do not apply to manual calendar bookings.
Click to Add.

Choose the type of rate discount
Select Basic from the drop down list of options.

Add a percentage (%) change in the rate
You can adjust your rates either up or down.
The rate adjustment will be done according to the rates in your rate sheet for that period. For example, if your rates are R100 for the period and the adjustment is a 10% increase in the rates, the new price will be (R100 + R10) = R110.
- Click on the Apply drop down list.
- Choose % Increase or % Decrease.
- Capture the percentage you want to adjust your rates by. In this example, we want to decrease our rates by 25%.

Only the percentage sliding scale and sharing rates will be overridden. Fixed child rates will not be overridden.
Add a Discount Name as you want it to appear on your Booking Form
- The rate name will give you and your guests a way to easily identify the discount and understand the type of discount they are getting.
- The rate name appears on your own booking form. In this example, we are calling this discount "Basic 25% Discount".
- Please limit your discount name to 20 characters. If the name exceeds 20 characters, we will display the discount name as "Discount".

Add the dates that you want to apply the discount
- Choose the Valid From and Valid Until dates for which you want the discount to apply. For example, if the discount will only apply for a long weekend, the "Valid From" will be the first night and the "Valid Until" will be the last night of the long weekend.

Select the day(s) of the week that you want to apply the discount
- You may want the discount to apply to only specific days of the week e.g. weekends only.
- Tick the days of the week for which you want the rate discount to apply.

Add more periods for the discount to apply
- You can add more periods for which the discount can apply if you want to.
- Click to Add a new date if you want to have more validity periods.

Set up price pointing
- Price pointing allows you to set up your prices so that they're rounded to a specific price.
- The default is set to no rounding.

Round to the nearest
- The price will be rounded to the nearest R1, R5, R10, R100 etc.
- For example, if your rate is R2,983.50 and you set the rounding to the nearest R1, the system will round your rate to R2,984. If you set the rounding to the nearest R5, the system will round your rate to R2,985.
- Click on the Round to the nearest drop down list to choose what you want to apply.

Price pointing
- The price will be rounded price to the nearest 99 or 95 if the rate change ends up on a 100 or 1000 denomination.
- For example, if your rate is R1,000 and you set your rounding to the nearest 99, the system will then round your rate to R999.
- Click on the Price pointing drop down list to choose what you want to apply.

Update whether you want your Rate Discount to apply to specific or all room types/meal plans
You can apply your discount to a specific room types or meal plans only or to all room types/meal plans.
Apply the discount to all room types/meal plans
- Leave the All slider in the on setting if you want the discount to be applied to all room types and meal plans.

Apply the discount to certain room types/meal plans only
- Move the All slider to the off setting if you want the discount to apply to only certain room types and mean plans.
- Tick the boxes to choose which room types and meal plans the discount will apply to. In this example we don't want the discount to apply to Double Rooms - Self-catering.

Choose how the rate will be distributed
Rate sheet
- Choose this option if you want to apply the discount to a specific rate sheet and have set up multiple rate sheets for different agents only.
- Tick to select the specific rate sheet or rate sheets. In this example, we want the discount to apply to the RACK rate sheet only.

Channels and own website
- Choose this option if you want to distribute this discount to a specific channel such as your own website or to an OTA like
- Tick to select the channel or channels you want the discount to apply to. Sites that you have connected through NightsBridge will show in this list. In this example, we want the discount to apply to your own website.

Certain channels like, Expedia, Agoda, etc. require that you provide them with the "best available price". If you only give the discount to one of the channels and not a competing site, this may cause complications for you with the channel.
Save and publish the rate discount
Click to Save the changes.

Click to Publish the changes.

The rate discount will be applied from now onward once you have published.
Create your Rate Override discount
Click on Rate Overrides.

Click on Add.

- Choose the Rate Sheet, Room Type and Meal Plan which you want the override to apply to.
- Choose the Start Date and End Date for the period of time you want the override to apply.
- Update the rates:
- Single. The rate charged if one guest books.
- Per person. The rate charged per person if more than one person books.
- Click to Save.

The override has been created.

Publish the rate discount
Click on Menu.

Click Publish.

The rate discount will be applied from now onward once you have published.