You can delete additional meal plans from any room type in your NightsBridge Setup.
Choose Setup Rooms in your NightsBridge Setup
- Go to your NightsBridge Setup.
- Click on Setup Rooms

Choose Room Types

Choose the Room Type from which you are removing the meal plan
- Click on the relevant Room Type from which you are removing the meal plan. In this example, the additional meal plan needs to be removed from the 'Double Rooms' room type.

Check if the meal plan you want to remove is the default meal plan

Is the meal plan you want to remove the default?
Change the default to another meal plan first as you cannot remove a meal plan if it is the default.
- Click on the drop down arrow.
- Click on the Default Meal Plan to change the default to another meal plan. In this example we are changing the default from Self-catering to Bed & Breakfast.
- Click to Save the changes.
Note: You cannot set a meal plan to default if it is not available on your Own Website.

Remove the meal plan.
- Untick the meal plan you want to remove.
- Click on Save.

Remove the meal plan.
- Untick the meal plan you want to remove.
- Click on Save.

Return to the Main Menu of the NightsBridge Setup
- Click on either the button with the red X or the Exit button to return to the Main Menu of the NightsBridge Setup.

Publish the changes
- Click to Publish the changes and make them visible to your guests.