NightsBridge recently updated the Booking Form to bring your Rate Discounts into the "View Specials" brochure on your Booking Form. You may need to update the Rate Name that you've previously set up as this name is now visible to the guest.
The Rate discount name is very important you it will let guest know what type of discounts you are offering.
Open Rate Discounts in your NightsBridge Setup.
See our tutorial on how to access your NightsBridge setup.

Click on the specific Rate Discount that you want to edit.
If you would like to create a NEW Rate Discount, please click here.
Edit the name for the Rate Discount to how you want it to appear on your NightsBridge booking form.
When adding the rate discount name make sure not to add any strange characters as it won't be appealing to your potential guests.
Note: If the name exceeds 20 characters, we will display the discount name as "Discount".