When offering different rates on weekends, this would have been set up for the Rack rates within 'Step 3: Setup rates'. Since there is no active link between the Rack rates and the STO rate sheets, the weekend rates need to be updated on the active rate sheets.
The below steps will help you edit the rates to ensure that the channels linked to the STO rate sheet are provided with the correct rates.
Navigate to Setup
Review the tutorial 'How to find Setup' should you need guidance.
Click 'STO Rate Sheet'
'STO Rate Sheets' is located under the Advanced Options section.

Click on the rate sheet name
Select the rate sheet that you would like to edit by clicking on the rate sheet name.

Set the rates
Scroll down to the section displaying the room types and meal plans.
Identify the room type you would like to update and click on the 'Set Rates' button.
The Rate Capture screen will open.

- Within the 'Weekend' rate fields, add the appropriate weekend rates.
- Click 'Save'.

If the room type selected does not provide fields for weekend rates, this needs to be indicated within Step 3: Setup rates for the respective room type.
Guidance on this is available in the tutorial, 'How do I charge different rates on weekends?'.
Publish your saved changes
Click 'Publish' within the orange banner found on the Setup page.

Although changes may be saved while updating the features in Setup, these changes need to be published in order for NightsBridge to distribute them.
Updating information in Setup will trigger the 'Publish' banner. When you see this banner, there are Setup changes that have not been published.
Once you click 'Publish', the changes are updated to the NightsBridge server. Only then is this updated information available to be distributed to any connected booking channels and sites, including your NightsBridge Booking Engine.
Once published, make sure to test that the rates are presented correctly.
Test that your rates are correct:
- for ALL seasons,
- all room types
- and meal plans.
Check the availability for one night in each season and select a different occupancy each time (i.e adults and children) to see that the correct rates are displayed.
Important: Your rates are your responsibility --- Please test your rates to ensure that they are presented correctly.