1. NightsBridge Online Calendar (BridgeIT)

How to change who is invoiced for a booking

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Before the final invoice is generated, its important to make sure that the correct person is being invoiced.  
You may need change who is invoiced for a booking and this can only be done while the account is open (uninvoiced).

This could be needed when a guest books directly with you but needs the invoice issued to their employer, or if an agency has booked on behalf of a guest, but the guest needs to be invoiced directly.

Open the booking for the related account.

Click on the booking to open the Booking Details

  • Click 'View Account'.

Click on the 'Change Client' icon.

Who will now be invoiced?

Search for a client

  1. Use the fields to search for an existing client.
    A list of possible matches will appear.
  2. Click on the client to select it from the results.

Save the changes

Note that the 'Invoice To' client has updated

  1. Click 'Save' on the Account Summary.
    You will be returned to the Booking Details.

Add a new client

Click 'Add Client'.

  1. Add the details for the new client.
    For guidance, please look at our tutorial called 'How to add a guest, client or agent before you have a booking' if needed.
  2. Click 'Save'.
Save the changes

Note that the 'Invoice To' client has updated

  1. Click 'Save' on the Account Summary.
    You will be returned to the Booking Details.
Congratulations, you are done!
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