BridgeIT Tutorials

Airbnb: Listing overview

This tutorial will give an overview of:

  • what a listing on Airbnb is
  • how an Airbnb listing works compared to a Room Type listing (on other channels)
  • how to find the listing on Airbnb

What is a listing?

  • A listing is what a host sells, and guests book, on Airbnb.
  • It can be a room, apartment, holiday home, etc. 
  • Each listing has its own independent page on Airbnb. 
  • If a host has more than one listing, each has its own page on Airbnb. This is unlike where a property can have multiple room types displayed on their property page. 

Listing setup.

  • A listing on Airbnb matches to a room type on NightsBridge. 
  • The amount of listings on Airbnb should match the amount of room types on NightsBridge, so that NightsBridge can accurately update rates and availability for each listing, and accept bookings. 
  • There may be co-hosted listings that need to be managed directly on Airbnb, because Airbnb doesn't allow co-hosted listings to be managed by NightsBridge. 
  • Certain luxury listings can also form part of the Airbnb Luxe program. These listings can't connect to a channel manager. You can find more info here

Booking and updates. 


  • NightsBridge updates the amount of rooms available in the room type on a given day, to Airbnb.
  • This allows a different guest to book the listing, if a previous guest booked the listing on Airbnb for the respective nights and there is availability in the room type. 
    • E.g.) Guest 1 books the 1st and 2nd of Jan, Airbnb won't allow another guest to book the listing for those same dates, without the inventory update from NightsBridge. 


  • Guests can only book one room/unit at a time. 
  • Even if there is more than one room available for the dates. 
  • Airbnb doesn't allow the guest to book more than one room/unit at a time. 


  • Guests can write reviews on listings they have stayed at. 
  • Reviews are linked to both the listing and the host. 
  • Reviews for a guest stay will appear on the respective listing page. 
  • All the reviews the host received across their listings will be available on the host's page. 
  • Reviews can't be moved from one listing to another. 

Finding a listing. 

  • You cannot search for a listing by its name on Airbnb. 
  • Airbnb only allows you to search for areas on their site. 
  • You can search for the "listing name + airbnb" on Google, to find a specific listing. 
  • If you know the listing ID, you can also find a listing by going to www.airbnb/rooms/xxxxx
    • Replace the "xxxxx" in the URL above with the the listing ID. 
    • E.g.
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